Wendy Elizabeth Wallace

(she/they) is a queer disabled writer. She grew up in Buffalo, New York, and will talk about it for hours if you let her. They have landed in Connecticut, by way of Pennsylvania, Berlin, Heidelberg, and Indiana.

Wendy writes mostly fiction, though sometimes things come out nonfiction or poetry when she’s not looking. Their work has appeared or is forthcoming in journals such as The Rumpus, New Orleans Review, The Carolina Quarterly, Willow Springs, Longleaf Review, Brevity, Pithead Chapel, Necessary Fiction, The Los Angeles Review, and elsewhere. Their work will be included in the Stillhouse Press Disabled Writers Anthology and has been nominated for Best of the Net and the Pushcart Prize. She has also been chosen as a finalist for the New Ohio Review Contest and the Conger Beasley, Jr. Prize. She received an MFA in Fiction from Purdue University and an MA in Literature from Bucknell University.

Wendy is the co-founding editor of Peatsmoke: A Literary Journal and is the co-manager of social media and marketing for Split Lip Magazine. They teach English and Creative Writing at the University of New Haven. Also, Wendy has a dog and a cat. This is very important.